Press on…Press off

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There are several items in our current two-car garage that will get moved to the pole barn when all is said and done. One of those is my big compressor (press on-press off). Rather than have it inside where the noise will echo and disturb (me and the birds), I decided to build a shed off the back for it.

The work is slow, weather has to be good, and although I got a lot done, there’s still more. Like a roof and siding. Hopefully we can get the electric installation done soon as well, then my neighbor will use his tractor to move the compressor into it’s new home. And we will welcome the extra space in the garage.

Here are some photos of the progress. I am heading off for a two-week trip to Florida and when I return, I will have a week or so to work on it before my grandgirls arrive for a ten-day visit. So what isn’t done by the time they come, will have to wait until after they leave in May.