We’re moving underground!

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When I started this project I always knew I would have to move the electric service away from the building. Scheduling and implementing these types of things create some logistical challenges. Builders, power companies and other utilities are never on the same schedule, nor could they be. It’s up the the general contractor/homeowner/builder to coordinate these things.

Wires that were moved underground, before the pole barn was built.

I’ve never had to do any of this, so it is all new to me. Living in a very friendly rural area, folks are easy going and laid back so I thought things would be easy. They were for the most part. However, my ignorance of procedures, policies and the like did create some angst but I was able to overcome each issue and we now have safe underground power routed away from the building and life as we know it was restored.

I was going to move the power prior to erecting the building but Troyer Pole Buildings had a very busy tight schedule and I took the first date I could get. This just happened to be before the power company could do the move. Oh, and I had to provide the 4 ft trench and conduit subject to inspection and approval.

So, the building was up and I was told the trench had to be at least 10 ft away from any part of the building. I called my excavator guy, Horst Excavating. I laid out the path for the dig and POOF, we had a trench. I had to hand dig some areas close to the power poles but the trench was complete. Next assemble, glue up and place the 2.5″ schedule 40 PVC conduit and call for the inspection…..FAIL. Seems I didn’t understand the spec sheet.

I met with the gentleman from VEC (Volunteer Electric Cooperative). He pointed out my deficiencies, okay, the trench’s deficiencies. I had used two 45 degree couplers and the wrong termination loops. The conduit could have no couplers which meant the trench had to be “adjusted” to allow the conduit to bend around the curve.

So off to Lowes for the correct termination loops and some additional conduit. Called the excavator, removed the very long glued up conduit, he dug the new section of trench, I cut, re-glued, placed, etc…

Look for the Advil…call for inspection… PASSEDYAY…where’s my beer?

All this took about two weeks and today the job was completed. VEC arrived this morning with three trucks. Up the poles they went, completing the change-over in about three hours. We lost power for about a half hour…DONE.

Time lapse view…

Next up, compact the pad, add some gravel and prep for concrete. Might start the wall framing as well. Phew! I’m tired….

Stay Tuned!

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