What’s that I smell? Gas???

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Blaze’s gas tank is as old as the car, 60 years!, so no telling what might be inside. On my ride to bring her home I smelled gas. At first I thought maybe the carburetor or a fuel line might be leaking. Inspection under the hood revealed no leaks. I opened the trunk and the fumes were stronger. When I got home and put Blaze on the lift I found a number of leaky areas on the tank as well as the fuel filler neck was cracked. All of this was original to the car.

Internet/google found a new tank, filler neck and associated hardware. The stuff needed was ordered and has trickled in recently. As soon as the brakes were completed I took out the old tank after emptying the gas. (I had filled it for the trip home) 15 gallons later, the tank came out. The floor of the trunk of these 60’s car is the top of the tank.

There are some minor repairs needed in the trunk area. Some rusty areas and pealed up paint. A thorough cleaning, soda blasting, rust inhibitor and paint before installing the new tank.

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